Rapid dissociation of 3D spheroids using the Rotea Counterflow Centrifugation System
Michael Akenhead discusses how to use the Rotea counterflow centrifugation system to enable the rapid dissociation of 3D spheroids.
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In Stem Cell Research
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5 Days of Stem Cells - The world's leading virtual stem cell event
https://wiley.6connex.us/event Connect to the latest in stem cell research, including cutting-edge stem cell techniques and applications, research breakthroughs, and esteemed scientists from around the world. It's all happening October 18-22, 2021.
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How to culture PSCs in suspension using Gibco CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium: Initiation
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A 3D PSC suspension medium for rapid scale-up and downstream differentiation of pluripotent stem cells
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How to prepare StemFlex Medium
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How to culture PSCs in suspension using Gibco CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium: Maintenance
Learn how to maintain and feed pluripotent stem cells in suspension using CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium, designed to support large-scale PSC expansion for clinical applications.
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WHITE PAPER: Manufacturing pluripotent stem cell therapeutics
Watch this short video to learn about an exclusive guide to developing psc-derived therapeutics.