How to and Educational Videos
Imaging Made Easy - EVOS Tip #37
Imaging made easy with the StageView map on the EVOS M5000 Imaging System.
Learn how multiplexing can help you become more efficient in the lab: Preview
Watch this short preview about how multiplexing, offered on Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio RT-PCR Systems, can help you become more efficient.
Enhance your qPCR experience with innovative and intuitive features: Preview
Watch this short preview to learn about the innovative features offered on Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio RT-PCR Systems
VeriFlex™ Blocks Technology on Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio RT-PCR Systems: Preview
Watch this short preview to learn how to optimize your PCR assays with VeriFlex Blocks technology
How to operate: Thermo Scientific IntelliStack Incubator Shaker Series touch program interface
Learn how to operate the Thermo Scientific IntelliStack CO2 Incubator Shaker.
Box to bench & setup: Unboxing the Thermo Scientific IntelliStack CO2 Incubator Shaker
Learn how to unbox and setup the Thermo Scientific IntelliStack CO2 Incubator Shaker.
Antibody Validation: Our specificity verification and application validation techniques
Discover how Thermo Fisher Scientific employs rigorous testing to ensure Invitrogen antibodies are held to the highest-level standards of both specificity validation and application testing.
Antibody Validation: The largest portfolio of highly validated antibodies Â
Discover how our expansive portfolio of highly validated antibodies helps researchers select the best antibodies for their experiment.
Antibody Validation: Our approach to advanced antibody validation
Learn about Thermo Fisher Scientific’s commitment to antibody validation and specificity.
Quality Roundtable: Raw Material Planning for Tech Transfer and Scaling Biologics
Strategic planning for scaling biologics involves raw materials, process efficiency, regulatory compliance and quality systems. Hear biopharma experts discuss tech transfer, vendor audits, raw materials, PPQ prep, regulatory filings and supply chain.
Accelerating Bioprocessing Success with Analytics Webinar
This bioprocessing online webinar series talks about analytical solutions to help accelerate bioprocessing success. There are a variety of analytical options available to help you gain deeper insights on your cell culture process.
Scalable by Design: Streamlining Cell Culture Media Manufacturing Webinar
This webinar goes over some of the challenges associated with cell culture media manufacturing, as well as best practices.
Imaging Made Easy - EVOS Tip #37
Imaging made easy with the StageView map on the EVOS M5000 Imaging System.
Learn how multiplexing can help you become more efficient in the lab: Preview
Watch this short preview about how multiplexing, offered on Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio RT-PCR Systems, can help you become more efficient.
Enhance your qPCR experience with innovative and intuitive features: Preview
Watch this short preview to learn about the innovative features offered on Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio RT-PCR Systems
VeriFlex™ Blocks Technology on Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio RT-PCR Systems: Preview
Watch this short preview to learn how to optimize your PCR assays with VeriFlex Blocks technology
How to operate: Thermo Scientific IntelliStack Incubator Shaker Series touch program interface
Learn how to operate the Thermo Scientific IntelliStack CO2 Incubator Shaker.
Box to bench & setup: Unboxing the Thermo Scientific IntelliStack CO2 Incubator Shaker
Learn how to unbox and setup the Thermo Scientific IntelliStack CO2 Incubator Shaker.
Antibody Validation: Our specificity verification and application validation techniques
Discover how Thermo Fisher Scientific employs rigorous testing to ensure Invitrogen antibodies are held to the highest-level standards of both specificity validation and application testing.
Antibody Validation: The largest portfolio of highly validated antibodies Â
Discover how our expansive portfolio of highly validated antibodies helps researchers select the best antibodies for their experiment.
Antibody Validation: Our approach to advanced antibody validation
Learn about Thermo Fisher Scientific’s commitment to antibody validation and specificity.
Quality Roundtable: Raw Material Planning for Tech Transfer and Scaling Biologics
Strategic planning for scaling biologics involves raw materials, process efficiency, regulatory compliance and quality systems. Hear biopharma experts discuss tech transfer, vendor audits, raw materials, PPQ prep, regulatory filings and supply chain.
Accelerating Bioprocessing Success with Analytics Webinar
This bioprocessing online webinar series talks about analytical solutions to help accelerate bioprocessing success. There are a variety of analytical options available to help you gain deeper insights on your cell culture process.
Scalable by Design: Streamlining Cell Culture Media Manufacturing Webinar
This webinar goes over some of the challenges associated with cell culture media manufacturing, as well as best practices.
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What's New
Play video Imaging Made Easy - EVOS Tip #37
Imaging Made Easy - EVOS Tip #37
Imaging made easy with the StageView map on the EVOS M5000 Imaging System.
Play video Learn how multiplexing can help you become more efficient in the lab: Preview
Learn how multiplexing can help you become more efficient in the lab: Preview
Watch this short preview about how multiplexing, offered on Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio RT-PCR Systems, can help you become more efficient.
Play video Enhance your qPCR experience with innovative and intuitive features: Preview
Enhance your qPCR experience with innovative and intuitive features: Preview
Watch this short preview to learn about the innovative features offered on Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio RT-PCR Systems
Play video VeriFlex™ Blocks Technology on Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio RT-PCR Systems: Preview
VeriFlex™ Blocks Technology on Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio RT-PCR Systems: Preview
Watch this short preview to learn how to optimize your PCR assays with VeriFlex Blocks technology
Play video How to operate: Thermo Scientific IntelliStack Incubator Shaker Series touch program interface
How to operate: Thermo Scientific IntelliStack Incubator Shaker Series touch program interface
Learn how to operate the Thermo Scientific IntelliStack CO2 Incubator Shaker.
Play video Box to bench & setup: Unboxing the Thermo Scientific IntelliStack CO2 Incubator Shaker
Box to bench & setup: Unboxing the Thermo Scientific IntelliStack CO2 Incubator Shaker
Learn how to unbox and setup the Thermo Scientific IntelliStack CO2 Incubator Shaker.
Play video Antibody Validation: Our specificity verification and application validation techniques
Antibody Validation: Our specificity verification and application validation techniques
Discover how Thermo Fisher Scientific employs rigorous testing to ensure Invitrogen antibodies are held to the highest-level standards of both specificity validation and application testing.
Play video Antibody Validation: The largest portfolio of highly validated antibodies Â
Antibody Validation: The largest portfolio of highly validated antibodies Â
Discover how our expansive portfolio of highly validated antibodies helps researchers select the best antibodies for their experiment.
Play video Antibody Validation: Our approach to advanced antibody validation
Antibody Validation: Our approach to advanced antibody validation
Learn about Thermo Fisher Scientific’s commitment to antibody validation and specificity.
Play video Quality Roundtable: Raw Material Planning for Tech Transfer and Scaling Biologics
Quality Roundtable: Raw Material Planning for Tech Transfer and Scaling Biologics
Strategic planning for scaling biologics involves raw materials, process efficiency, regulatory compliance and quality systems. Hear biopharma experts discuss tech transfer, vendor audits, raw materials, PPQ prep, regulatory filings and supply chain.
Play video Accelerating Bioprocessing Success with Analytics Webinar
Accelerating Bioprocessing Success with Analytics Webinar
This bioprocessing online webinar series talks about analytical solutions to help accelerate bioprocessing success. There are a variety of analytical options available to help you gain deeper insights on your cell culture process.
Play video Scalable by Design: Streamlining Cell Culture Media Manufacturing Webinar
Scalable by Design: Streamlining Cell Culture Media Manufacturing Webinar
This webinar goes over some of the challenges associated with cell culture media manufacturing, as well as best practices.